Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Functions

Using a function is like writing separate smaller programs that we can then reuse over and over again. I will show you how to create your own python functions.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Loops

Unlike humans who get bored easily, computers are great at repetitive tasks. They do them fast. We have to have an easier way of having a computer do a repetitive task instead of writing the same line of code over and over and over. We use loops to do this.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Boolean Expressions for Conditions

Like comparison operators, Boolean Operators evaluate these expressions downs to a Boolean value. They help up achieve this by allowing us to create more complex conditional statements.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements are used to break the linear code. We don't always want to have our code follow a straight lines we want to branch off based on a a condition. If the condition is true we want to go one way and if it's false it goes another way. 

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python – Data Structures: Dictionaries

Tuples and Sets are two more data structures in Python. These two data sets helps us store data in different ways. One is changeable and one isn't read to find out more about them.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python – Data Structures: Lists

The first data structure that I learned about in Python is a list. It's not like a list of items but more of a container of items that can be taught of as a list. Read more about it.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python – String Methods

There is so much that can be done with strings thanks to Methods. Methods actually are functions that are called using dot notation. What this means is that we put them after a string. For example, lower() is a string method that can be used like this, on a string called "sample string": sample_string.lower() A… Continue reading Python – String Methods

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Basics

Going through #Udacity Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge Course I was writing notes on my notebook but I was hoping others would benefit from them as well. Here are some notes about python with more to come as I go through the course.