Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Functions

Using a function is like writing separate smaller programs that we can then reuse over and over again. I will show you how to create your own python functions.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Loops

Unlike humans who get bored easily, computers are great at repetitive tasks. They do them fast. We have to have an easier way of having a computer do a repetitive task instead of writing the same line of code over and over and over. We use loops to do this.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Boolean Expressions for Conditions

Like comparison operators, Boolean Operators evaluate these expressions downs to a Boolean value. They help up achieve this by allowing us to create more complex conditional statements.

Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship Challenge, Python, Udacity

Python Control Flow: Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements are used to break the linear code. We don't always want to have our code follow a straight lines we want to branch off based on a a condition. If the condition is true we want to go one way and if it's false it goes another way.